A review by suspensethrill
Far From True by Linwood Barclay


4.5 stars!

I'd like to thank Netgalley for providing my copy in exchange for a fair and honest review.

I think I'm in the minority but I really enjoyed this one! For those new to the series, start with #1 [b:Broken Promise|23398840|Broken Promise (Promise Falls, #1)|Linwood Barclay|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1424368782s/23398840.jpg|42955366] as this is the second in the trilogy.

Not much to hash up plot wise as this is the middle segment, but it was structured differently than the first. There isn't really a main focal story, just a continuation and connecting of previous threads left hanging from the first book. I'll say there was one particular plot aspect that blew me away and completely fooled me. I knew going into this one that I would again be left hanging with many questions so that didn't take away from my reading experience as it did for some others. I'm looking forward to the conclusion coming in November. My only drawback was it seemed a little wordy and could have probably been about 50-75 pages shorter.