A review by books_n_blossoms
Blackberry Beach by Irene Hannon


I loved the first line in Blackberry Beach! "The mystery woman was back." This story was such a satisfying read! I'm ready to travel to Hope Harbor and never leave! And yes, this is book 7 and it's my first time visiting! Don't judge my lack of reading this series in order. hahahaha

Since I'm not sure if any of the characters have been in the previous stories, we're just going to pretend they aren't. So, we meet Zach who runs The Perfect Blend, which sounds like a coffee shop that my coffee loving heart would love! A mystery woman has visited his shop a couple of times and he's trying to figure out what her story is. Unfortunately, Kat has no desire for anyone to even notice her let alone try to figure her out!

I just loved everything going on in this story. It was absolutely refreshing! It was really all about relationships and I needed that escape. To not have crazy, nefarious stuff going on in the background of any of the characters lives was fantastic! If you need a story that you can "rest" in, look no further. You will grow to care about all of the characters in equal amounts. Ok, that's a lie, some more than others. HA!

One of the huge aspects that I enjoyed about this story was having 5 POVs. Yes, 5. But Irene Hannon does it in such a way that it's not confusing, and gives you insight into that specific character. That's something I'm immensely fond of! I hope this is something she's done in the other books of this series.

And yes, while this book is mainly about Zach and Kat, his Aunt Stephanie and his barista, Frank really appealed to me. They're a bit older than me, but reading their storyline really stuck out to me in the sense that we need more books written for the older crowd in such a way that we know they still have vitality and a penchant for trying new things!

Can we also talk about Charley for a moment? On occasion stories have characters that I think we would agree we need to have in our lives. Charley is certainly one of them. His kindness, understanding, acceptance, and wisdom are a magnet any of us would want to be pulled in to! He was kinda my favorite! Don't tell any of the other characters though.

Thoroughly enjoyed this story and can't wait to read the other 6!!!

*I received this book for review. This is my personal opinion.