A review by thepeachmartini
Starry Skies Over the Chocolate Pot Cafe by Jessica Redland


First, and most importantly, a content warning: emotional abuse and manipulation, discussions of suicide, depression, and mental health issues. Also the backstory is not exactly easy to read...

While it is somewhat Christmas-related (a good deal of the story takes place around Christmas) the subject matter is not what most readers of cozy Christmas novels would pick up. The backstory is uncomfortable to read, so if you're one who suffers severely from second-hand embarrassment, this may not be a good book for you.

I tried listening to the audiobook, and it completely ruined it for me. The narrator was not a good fit for the MC, and while I scoffed at first at the people who DNF'd this based solely on that, if I had only listened to this I would have done the same. I decided to actually READ it, and it was much easier (as much as can be expected).

Outside of the backstory, which seemed like a really...odd...story to tell (like random for a seemingly cozy Christmas read), I do appreciate this author's approach to mental health issues and not shying away from characters who have major barriers and hardships in their lives.

I started out very frustrated with Tara, but as I read on, I grew to understand why she did the things she did. I can appreciate the desire to want to keep certain parts of your life hidden away - even things that a lot of people don't think is a big deal (crafting, keeping a pet, etc) It may not seem like a big deal to you, but there's likely a reason the person has kept it to themselves for so long.

I will share more thoughts as I have time to think it over :)