A review by jalialynn
Last Call at the Local by Sarah Grunder Ruiz


I have never felt more seen, in terms of my mental health as i have in this book.

I related so much to the FMC Raine. I have read a couple of books with ADHD and i did relate to them but this book shows a bunch of little details that come with having ADHD, like finding socks in random places. I can not even tell you the random places i find my socks, i’m always running out of socks or not having matches because i’m always losing them. The scene where Raine starts a massive task thinking she can do it in just a couple of hours just for the dopamine to wear, then saying you’ll wake up early and finish in the morning only to sleep in and have to deal with the aftermath. Ughhh it’s too real!! This no book did an amazing job at explaining what it feels like when you don’t complete that task & people having to help you fix it. I could mentions so many things that this book does to show what’s it’s like to not only live with ADHD but what it’s like living as a woman with ADHD! Also Raine is such a pretty name.

Going into this book i only knew about the ADHD rep, i didn’t know that not only was there OCD rep but that it’s the type of OCD that i think i have. I never connect to male characters, the only other male character i have connected to in a the books i’ve ever read is Jacob from Yours Truly by Abby Jimenez. I can now add Jack to that very short list. The representation on this certain subject almost made me sob my eyes out because i have never seen a character ever or even met anyone that goes through the same thing that i do. it made me a little emotional. I’m this book Jack has a really hard time explaining why this happens and why he can’t just stop, i have tried explaining this very thing to my sister & every time it ends up not making any sense. The scene were Jack is flipping the light switch almost 40 times, i wanted to cry for him because i understand what he is feeling at that time. Everyone i’ve asked if it’s normal always says it’s not but it’s always been normal to me for as long as i can remember & the older i get the more intense/harder to control it gets. It’s one of those things that you don’t know what it feels like unless you go through it. Jack’s my new book boyfriend.

I loved Raine & Jack’s relationship. It was such a healthy relationship. The way that they both know what each other needs & they accept every single part of the other😩🥺. Just give me a relationship like theirs and i’ll be complete.

The audiobook was so good, the narrators did an amazing job. I will think about this book for as long as i live.