A review by rachelevolve
Dirty Havana Trilogy: A Novel in Stories by Pedro Juan Gutierrez


It's hard for me to believe that this man, being so broke and hard-up had sex with so many women. If it were gay sex, then I'd believe it, but I will never believe that life in Cuba is so excruciatingly difficult that women are fucking random commoners just because they've become disillusioned and have nothing better to do with their impoverished lives. Women just don't do that, no matter how broke they are. Especially when they're broke, they're not going to give their shit away for free when they're starving. It's like "I'm starving, my kids are too, there's no food on the table, as you can see, and you want to fuck?"
It's too unbelievable, and the entire book centered around all of his casual sexual affairs. It's quite typical of Hispanic men to lie about how many women they've had, or how many women they think want them. They are so diluted like that it makes me laugh my ass off.