A review by amypalmer
Twin Truths by Shelan Rodger


No spoilers in this review.
Thank you so much Cutting Edge Press for my copy for review.

Wow I really did not expect that at all. As I was reading I had sneaky suspensions something unusual would happen and I was right. This book has a lot of surprises in store. One thing that shocked me is that I don't think if I saw this in a shop I would automatically buy it (I won it in a goodreads giveaway) due to the fact it isn't the sort of book I usually read however I am telling everyone now to buy it.

Brief Synopsis:
This book follows the characters Jenny and Pippa. Twins who have a very close bond, they are two peas in a pod however with different personalities. The book is in three parts, each part is a different slot of time in the Twins lives and it unravels in to the unexpected.

First of all when I started reading I thought this is a bit like a contemporary novel, the characters life is the issue, she isn't happy and is trying to resolve it. Then everything changed. This book is very hard to link to a genre, it has many different facets and can easily fit in to a bunch of category such a contemporary, psychological, thriller, mystery, disaster, Identity.

Each part of the book also almost has a different style, for example one section is very Adult. There are no graphic sex scenes however sexual acts are mentioned a lot. All of the sections have a psychological tone and all really deal with coping with troubles.

One thing I didn't love but fully understand now the book is over is that in Part 1 there is a mixture of first person and third person narration. This is usually a no no but it does work in this case. If this bothers you it is only in Part one and isn't disorganised. about 11 chapters out of 29 are third person (fully). The rest of part 1 (and the book) is first person.

I love the writing style. It is really fluid and easy to read, I finished the book the day it arrived. The thing I love about the writing is all of the descriptions and emotions that are very entrancing and imaginative. Example :
“A picture, after all, is just a symbol, a metaphor for something that cannot be translated.”

(this is the only quote that isn't a spoiler, there are some beautiful quotes that I can't post because they give to much away)

The plot is also really good, It keeps you guessing and is very intriguing. There is also a section in the back where the author talks about her inspiration which is really worth reading. It explains the themes and why she chose to write it.

Not for young readers (sexual, emotional and disturbing content)

This is a truly well thought out book and is wonderful.

All my own individual opinions. believe me this book is worth your time.