A review by thatbooknerd__
The Facilitator by Tracie Podger


After reading Tracie's books before, I couldn't wait to read this one, to see where she would take a completely new genre. Tracie has a way of pulling you into a story from page 1 and this book was no different.

Lauren Perry had a plain existence, she's been feeling lonely ever since she found out her husband of 15 years was cheating on her with his secretary. She's having trouble coming to terms with the break up especially since she has to see him at work, so when a unexpected night of passion with a stranger presents itself, she takes it.
McKenzie Miller is one hot man and a very addictive character. You can't help but love the mysterious persona he gives off at the beginning of the book but the more I read, the more I loved him. McKenzie is the perfect man, he's demanding but no over bearing with it. He's caring, good looking, trustworthy and so much more. Just everything a women wants rolled into one sexy package. So what happens when McKenzie offers Lauren the opportunity to experience all of her fantasies? She takes it of course but feelings always get in the way.

The story is is fantastic, it has the right amount of everything in it: funny moments, happy moments, sad moments, sexy moments, I need a cold shower moments. You know the sort of thing I'm taking about. After finding out what Facilitator meant, I think Tracie picked the perfect name of this book. It literally describes the book with one word. But there is so much more to the story then a man helping a women achieve all her wildest fantasies. They form this bond, and find it hard to stay away from each other. We slowly see their relationship developing into more, and it's a nice slow progression, not just man meets women and instantly falls in love.

I want, no I NEED more of McKenzie and Lauren. I hope Tracie does another book for them because I would love to see where their relationship would be in a few years time.

Another 5 stars for a another fantastic book from Tracie!