A review by readlovereviewblog
Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead


Okay, so I honestly bought this book to see what the fuss was about. I've seen the bestseller title on it and thought it might be intriguing. This is an International best-selling series. This book has also been made into a movie.

The book starts with a bang with Lissa and Andre. Andre is a dhampir, a guardian of Lissa, who is a moroi vampire. With them on the run, they get trapped and brought to St. Vladimir's Academy or vampire academy, but they seem to not what to be there. This appears to be high adrenaline in the first beginning.

The students, mostly the vampires, have some unique supernatural powers, hierarchy, and abilities. But Rose and Lissa seem to have a bond like no other. Lissa becomes exceptional, but there is a lot of drama in this book. You find answers to questions as it plays out, but you don't get away from the Royal and school drama in the story.

I did love the supernatural aspects of this story. The slow-burn romance and very Ya influences in it allowed the story to play out. Rose and Lissa are the best of friends, and you can feel that throughout the story. But Lissa is also at risk, and you can see that as well. I thought the concept was intriguing, and the academy and the story were interesting. I would give this book four stars as it was fascinating, but it didn't suck me in or emotionally to connect with the characters.