A review by michellehenriereads
Accomplished by Amanda Quain


I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for my honest opinion. Thank you.

I a sucker for P&P references, spin offs, and retellings.

In Accomplished, Georgiana—George—is at Pemberly High while Fritz, Charlie, Jane, and Lizzy are at a nearby college. Instead of ballrooms, we peek into Frat parties. Instead of almost eloping with Wickham, George becomes his girlfriend and is harmed in a different way.

This was a satisfying read of an alternative P&P. George's angst came through with flying colors. Both Fitz and Charlie are true to the original characters but through different circumstances. I had so much fun seeing how George would handle the pressure.

This tale deviates from the original, but in a great way. It's also not necessary to ne familiar with Austen's book to enjoy Accomplished. I think teens and adults will love it! There are sexual references, but nothing on the page. I hope you enjoy it too!