A review by canada_matt
Super Red Riding Hood by Claudia Davila


Ruby enjoys playing the role of superhero, especially when she can don her red cape and boots. Her antics help keep her entertained, though even her mother sees the need for young Ruby to spend some time outside. Ruby is sent out to pick raspberries, an activity she enjoys, though it takes her into the dark forest. While there with her basket, Ruby finds a sinister wolf, forcing her to turn into her alter-ego, Super Red Riding Hood. After a little bantering, Red and the Wolf come to an agreement, finding that they have a lot more in common than they first knew. Neo liked this story, though was confused, as it strays from the traditional version he knows well. He asked if there were other ‘super hero’ stories based on the traditional fairy tales we have read, which left me to scramble and check the local library. Stay tuned for what I find!