A review by rai_ishardtoplease
Fallen Rebel by C.G. Blaine


2.5 (generous) stars…

Eh. Kinda slow for me. Nearly dnf’d it out of boredom, but I pushed through the dry spell and it payed off. Kinda. Not really.
It was whatever.

Bad-boy Cass is an uber special angel and yet he all but epitomizes the seven deadly sins. But maybe we can write that off as being a by-product of his long-term exposure to humanity. Maybe.

Hannah hardly has a personality, and the personality she does have can basically be summed up by the 3 S’s: getting screwed, spooked, and being scared. Oh, forgive me, 4 S’s. Can’t forget getting saved.

The relationship between them reads as problematic to me, but that ain’t anything new in this genre. Cass’ attitude towards Hannah is vaguely hedonistic, exploitative, and kinda a turn off, but it gets better about 60% of the way through. Unfortunately, that’s also when the Blaine gives up on preserving the writing quality completely.

To be fair, there was some plot besides sex and a sprinkling of character development. I’m not religious so I can’t speak to what degree the author took religious liberties, but I imagine she at least had to invest some time into researching, so A for effort?