A review by arantzazureads
No Matter What by Debi Gliori


Due to my initial confusion over whether the figure on the cover was a kangaroo or a fox, I never got around to actually opening this book. When I finally did, I was immediately struck by the language-- the parent animal is called Large and the child animal is called Small.

I quirked my eyebrows up at that at first (why not just say Mom or Dad?) but within seconds came to my senses and then became almost euphoric. Here was a sweet, loving book that didn't specify either gender or familial relationship! This adult and child, regardless of gender and kinship status, love each other "no matter what". That is awesome. It's awesome for moms, for dads, aunts, uncles, grandparents, for lovely people who don't fit into or biased gender binary, for any kind of guardian, whether blood-related or not.

Also, I'm now pretty sure they're foxes. But you know what? Who gives a crap. After all, when it comes to baby books, I'm definitely sure that "all you need is love"!