A review by harasnicole
Mustique Island: A Novel by Sarah McCoy


I really enjoyed this one.

Had no idea this is a real island until I looked it up out of curiosity, and when I started reading up a bit on the history of who would visit and started making connections in the book, it became easier to see that this is loosely based on a real person's life, with creative liberties taken where applicable, of course. All the descriptions of the island, from Cotton House to Firefly to Les Jolies Eaux were so vivid for me that I actually felt transported onto this island with these people, like I was just a fly on the wall of everything that had happened.

I will admit that the family dynamics between Willy May and her daughters, Hilly and Joanne, didn't interest me as much as what had been happening outside of them. Colin and his overdramatic ass was really fun to read about because as the years went by, he seemed to become more and more unhinged and I kind of wanted to see how far he'd go. All in all, it's a great book, reads fast, and is well written.