A review by maisiewrites247
What I Wish I'd Known: For Writers: 100 Authors Reveal What They Wish They'd Told Their Younger Selves by H.D. Thomson, H.D. Thomson


100 authors were given the question, ‘what advice would you give to your younger self?’ The responses vary between writing techniques, goals, genre, reading, traditional and self-publishing, self-doubt, routines, ideas, practices, characters, editing, etc. My favourite section was by Rita Herron who said; ‘instead of writing one book of the heart, I tried to put heart in every book.’ However, I wasn’t particularly fond of the section by Ernest Dempsey. Either way, I recommend this book because it is a really useful read, and there’s such a variety of authors providing advice that it would suit all aspiring authors in one way or another. I’m going to start using these techniques straight away.