A review by katyanaish
Payback by Amy Daws


DNF @ 24%

I like this author and have loved this series, so I just downloaded the next without reading the blurb. And... what the actual fuck, you guys?! How are people not raging about this?

The FMC is a selfish, vapid bitch. She makes a sex tape with the MMC without his fucking consent.

Firstly, her plan is literally batshit stupid: send a SEX TAPE FEATURING YOURSELF to the fucking two people who betrayed you as payback? What? Does your pea-sized brain not imagine for even a goddamn minute that they would do something horrible with it??

Secondly, doing that without his consent is fucking monstrous. It is a violation. It is potentially career-ending and life-ruining for him. But she doesn't give a single goddamn fuck, because she's a horrible fucking human being who should be put in jail.

People, if the sexes were reversed - if HE recorded a nonconsensual sex tape with HER - people would be screaming down the roof, and rightfully so. What's with the fucking double standard?

This is not hot, it's not cute. I can see how it's going to blow up in their faces and the protective Harris family will make me angry by blaming the victim here and not their complete asshole family member, and I am just not here for it.

No. Just no.