A review by britreadsalot34
Jingle My Balls: A Gay & Merry LGBTQ Charity Anthology by Iris James, Kris Butler, Mary Martel, Addy Rae, Cassandra Featherstone, Rosa Lee, Cassandra Joy, Sullyn Shaw, C.E. Lashua, Miranda May, Everly Taylor, Bailey Grayson, Alisha Williams, Serenity Rayne, Jenn Bullard, A.J. Mullican, Bre Rose, Katherine Isaac, M. Bonnet


**This is an individual review of Iris James and Sullyn Shaws story He Kramp Handle This**
PSA!! Do NOT drink any fluid you don't want to wear!! While reading this story

This is a HUGE punny smuttastic adventure. It's an adorable short story about a group of men who are falling in love and a couple claiming their third as their own. Sullyn and Iris have made this whole story hysterical and just when you roll your eyes because of one pun another comes and backhands you. I loved the short story for the smuttyness and how much it made me laugh til I legit peed myself! 5/5 stars!

This is about the entire anthology
Hoist the flag - cute story about Jack and queenie I want to see what happens after with the boys they just just picked up
Dark angel holiday- Super cute short story about 2 men in a harem that are in love and their woman helping them get married
A royal mistake- I absolutely