A review by laurla
Paw and Order by Diane Kelly

"my heart squirmed in my chest like a feral kitten afraid of being held. every synapse in my brain misfired. damn this guy makes me stupid."

"you could stand to learn some manners." she gave me her standard kiss-my-fluffy-ass look of indifference.

"i ogled. ogle. ogle. oooh-gle."

"he was a fire i'd like to play with a little more. then again, if you play with fire, you risk getting burned. still, i wouldnt mind toasting a marshmallow or two over him."

"though she would never understand how her sisters could be satisfied with their meager, unexceptional lives, a small part of her envied their contentedness. things would certainly be easier for her if she lacked ambition and taste."

"thanks to her i had to stand in line for three and a half hours at the DMV today to get a new driver's license. thats how criminals should be punished."