A review by tombomp
The Tea Master and the Detective by Aliette de Bodard


I think it's not BAD and it was basically enjoyable and yes I always love variations on Sherlock Holmes.. but so much of the writing was taken up by sci-fi scaffolding that ultimately didn't really add much to the story. It really feels like an introduction story to a series of short stories but it doesn't really give a hint at the workings of lots of stuff and the "mystery" such as it is is given short shrift.

I dunno, I'd probably say 2.5? I feel harsh giving it a 2 cause I wouldn't say it was bad it just felt like there wasn't much to it. The concept of a classical Chinese influenced space society where people drink tea to cope with space travel with Sherlock Holmes in it is a fun setting but it just doesn't get detailed enough to be interesting and the story part just feels a little weak.