A review by paperbackstash
Blood Trade by Faith Hunter


It's still a great series but this was my least favorite. Jane again leaves town. Bruiser is around some but little happens. Rick is likable but still too in her life for me with the love triangle stuff but the sheriff and Eli were hilarious. It's nonstop action but I wish the author would slow down a bit - I'd like to have had Jane calm down a little of the non-compassion that she used to have - a lot of important characterization seems skipped over at times to get to the action of the story, but I don't mind the pace slowing to show more of the bonding scenes. Beast is a joy as always, and the cat scene in the kitchen was hilarious, both with Eli, then Rick, then the wolf. Also, I hope the author doesn't have Jane see Leo offpage and miss seeing how it is the first time since you know who was accidentally bonded instead. Was purring involved against Jane's will? These are little details that spice up the story for me but that the author is starting to skip through.

I really like this series but inconsistencies with the Grindys and weres is driving me crazy and causing mucho distraction. I can't stand this part of the series

1 - This book and another suddenly claims that if Jane is bit by a were and changed, not only is the Were who bit someone killed, but also the one bit will be killed if they do not get healed by a magic blade in time. WTF? In the first book with the Grindy, only the biter was killed as a punishment for spreading on purpose. The victim was never killed! If this were the case, why are there any Weres at all? Why weren't the Weres she hunted previously who spread the bites not killed instantly by their Grindys? ALSO, in the first few books of the series it was mentioned several times that just because someone was bit by a Were, it was no guarantee they'd get the infection and become a shapeshifter, and it could take awhile to tell - so saying now that the Grindy would kill the victim almost immediately is pissing me off to no end. Not fair and not consistent.

2 - At first the Grindy's was Were-cat only - we know this because no one there had heard of them until the visitor from the African Tribe where the were-cats are. It doesn't make sense the werewolves would have their own version because then there never would have been that battle in the bar (they would be too scared to go around killing people), we would have seen grindy's there, and werewolves wouldn't have been involved in so many wars and infect so many people...otherwise they would have just been killed out, so this makes no sense.

3 - The Grindy's have been overdone now and make the Were-animal completely unscary as they are suddenly killed instantly if they do anything wrong

4 - It still makes NO sense that Jane could be changed into a shifter considering what she is. That's just annoying reasoning. And this stumble with Rick because of that is also incredibly annoying - I don't want that to be who she ends up with anyway (George instead, anyone?), but having that as a reason is obnoxious.

Full review to come.