A review by ikepauh
Queen of Song and Souls by C.L. Wilson


In Queen of Song and Souls, we finally reach a resolution on the Adrial and Talisa issue. It ain't pretty unless you think tragic, star-crossed lovers is pretty. It isn't the biggest deal in the book but it was one that stood out to me. We also revisit old characters in this installment such as the folk in Celieria City (King Dorian, Queen Annoura, the courtiers, the Twenty) as part of The Tairen Soul's efforts to gather and prepare his allies in the ongoing war against the Eld.

The chapter I've been hoping to read since reading the last book came to fruition in Queen of Song and Souls. The one where Ellie and the Fey figure out her real parentage. There's an explosion of emotions...talk about devastating the Fey, Mr Elf.

Sure, various characters repeat to each other about how great they are, how Bright they are, how much they love each other, how SPECIAL Ellie is....BUT IT ISN'T AS BAD AS OTHER BOOKS such as say... Feehan's Dark Carpathians books. Or maybe perhaps, I am able to overlook that in this series. I don't know. Another insignificant niggling thought: their names can't help but make me giggle. Once in a while! Even though I am reading book four. Ellysetta! Ellysetta! Gosh :)

I do wonder how the little umagi Melliandra is able to be unlike any other umagi? How is she able to have a will of her own? Is it the effect of the kindness shown by the dead Fey from two books ago, Shia? Besides, I do think Lilis, Lorelle and the dad have been captured by the Eld...Seems like they're stuck in a illusion? The issue with Fey who remain in the Fading Lands aka the faction led by Tenn, the Fire master may also crop up in the next, final installment of the Tairen Soul series. Also, we discover there is a deadline to meet on the issue of the bond completion between Ellie and Rain. More spice for the next broth.