A review by aligroen
All the Way to Shore by CJane Elliott


A Scattered Thoughts and Rogue Words Review An Alisa Audiobook Review:

Rating: 3.5 stars out of 5

Okay, I am not a huge fan of the blurb (I don’t like when it makes fun of one of the characters) especially since Jonathan was the character I connected most with. It was great that he was given the opportunity to break free of his father’s company when Marco came, though I’ll admit I did not like Marco what so ever in the beginning.

Marco seemed a bit two-faced to me, switching his opinion from one to the other about the company and people. And I’m not sure what I felt about how different he was away from work (yes that person was perfect for Jonathan) but something rubbed met he wrong way. Jonathan is adorable and I hated that he felt so inferior because of this father and late brother. I have to give Jonathan credit for how far he came in the year living away from the company and how Marco made him feel that he could embrace his life fully. I did think that Jonathan and Marco’s “courting” gifts were adorable.

This is my first book narrated by Tim McKiernan and he did a nice job. I was mostly able to keep track of the story through the voices he used, though the lisp come characters had for their thoughts didn’t agree with me.

I liked the cover art and that it had their pendant, which became very important to them.