A review by mat_tobin
On a Beam of Light: A Story of Albert Einstein by Jennifer Berne


Written by Jennifer Berne and illustrated by the equally fantastic Vladimir Radunsky, this picture book takes us right through Einstein's life. From those initial years and his reluctance/delay in talking to the final ones where he constant got to do what he loved most: ponder, question and imagine. The title itself refers to a pivotal moment in his life when he realised that there were so many big questions out there which had yet to be answered or even asked.

What I take away from this story is that it was Einstein's choice to not conform to what the rest of society expected which helped make him great. He didn't want to dress like others, learn like others or live like others. He just wanted to pursue those things that interested him and in doing so was allowed to become one of the greatest minds of all our times.