A review by spookyjen
Charcoal Tears by Jane Washington



I'm starting Charcoal Tears: I'm honestly not sure how I feel about this book. I keep vacillating between love, hate, and frustration.

Don't get me wrong. The story is good. It moves at a good clip and it's written well enough (there were a couple of grammar errors here and there).

My biggest annoyance with this book are the characters' actions. THEY DON'T MAKE SENSE. Why the hell do Cabe and Noah get so obsessive and touchy-feely with a girl they've known less than a week? AND why does Seraph let them? I don't care about that crap about their 'bond' or whatever. There are ways to portray feeling a connection without it being physical.

Plus, the character's personality seem either one-dimensional or confusing. I can't get a good read on Seraph's personality - I'm not sure if she's acting like herself [i.e. before she meet the guys] or if her personality is being seriously affected by being around the guys. Her personality just doesn't seem consistent to me.



So I finished this book and I have settled on frustration.

It ended in a cliffhanger and in general, it felt incomplete. Even when the authors gave answers, they weren't complete. It's quite infuriating.

Plus, I still think the characters are one-dimensional. Not much of the guys' personalities or their background are revealed in this book. The author focused on one aspect for each guy - Cab being devilish, Noah, being sweet, Miro being very pleasant and persuasive, and Silas being dark and violent.

Overall, this was a disappointing read. The book had a lot of potential in the beginning, but it went all downhill as the guys got more and more involved in Seraph's life and started making huge life decisions for her, without really consulting her. It was also annoying how the main character didn't question what was happening and just went along for the rest of the book.