A review by yazgbooks
Hourglass by Claudia Gray


5/5 Stars - Amazing!!!

This book is my favorite out of the series so far. It was intense, thrilling, heart breaking and wonderful.
Some parts of the book made me feel like this:

Other parts made me feel like this:

The ending got me like this though:

no more gifs, I promise

I just want to appreciate Claudia Gray and her writing, it's fantastic. I love each character in so many different ways and they are all so different to one another.
The story line is perfect, there's never really a dull moment but it's never too much action. I was always engaged in the book, I had put it down only once to sleep.

My favorite character is always going to be Balthazar More, he may not be a very main character but he's just wonderful. I love the way he's written!
I also really like Ranulf, he's very funny and I always seem to laugh out loud when he speaks.
Examples: *Spoilers* (somewhat)
' "I wish to make an observation," Ranulf said.
Exasperated, Lucas said, "You're not the only one cramping up in this backseat, okay?"
Ranulf replied, "That was not the observation." ' - Pg 192

This made me giggle because he's always so calm and has an open mind. He's also a little baby who complains about being cramped up in the back seat!

' Ranulf nodded, "That is the matter in which I roll." ' - Pg 320
' "I am socializing with wraiths," Ranulf muttered. "This is not a thing that is done" ' - Pg 321

I recommended this book to anyone who enjoys a forbidden romance, some vampire action, some sweet yet gory love scenes and witty banter.
I really, really love this series. I hope to buy the next two soon, I can't wait much longer to read what's gonna happen next.