A review by jolantheerb
The House by the Sea by Louise Douglas


A tragedy tore apart the marriage of Edie and Joe. Ten years later, Edie is still bitter and angry, having never fully dealt with the emotions wrapped around what happened. When her mother-in-law dies, leaving an old villa in Sicily to Edie and Joe, their trip to find a missing heirloom and prepare the estate to sell begins unwinding old family and local secrets - ones that someone is trying to keep hidden.

Glimpses of the past tragedy are slowly revealed as the book progresses, along with family history, and the past becomes a tool for healing and reconciliation for hurts that seem unforgettable.

The mix of past mystery with current day drama was well done (although I will admit I figured some of it out - it was still good!).

Rating: 4.5/5 stars

This book was provided by the publisher via NetGalley, although I was not required to write a positive review.