A review by mellabella
Seashell Season by Holly Chamberlin


I could not put this book down.
I cannot imagine the devastation having your baby stolen would cause. I'm sure it's a feeling that cannot be put into words.
The fact that your baby was stolen by her father? A man that was controlling...
I loved Verity's character. She was so patient. I did feel there were times that she could have been a little more stern with Gemma. But after 17 years of missing her daughter, wondering if she was OK, hoping she was being treated well, I guess I could see why she would be jumpy at the thought of losing her again.
Gemma. Her evolution seemed so realistic. Not sappy or cheesy. The thoughts she had, when we read her pov seemed spot on for a girl who was raised by a criminal father. Who thought she knew who she was and what love was.
Ellen was atrocious.
These characters came alive for me.
I hadn't read anything else by this author. That is about to change.