A review by amybraunauthor
Chaosmage by Stephen Aryan


One thing I've loved about this series from the beginning is that every book, while set in the same universe and mentioning different characters, is always new. It makes the world seem larger and more detailed. There are new creatures, enemies, and rankings of society that leave me wanting more.

This book is similar to the first one, in that there is a dire situation and our heroes are forced to work around it. CHAOSMAGE's story actually feels like a zombie movie with its creepy enemies, the Forsaken. I actually really liked the whole trapped-in-the-fortress vibe they had going on. It made the scenarios desperate and raised the stakes. The action, as always was stellar and explosive, and left me with a little bit of heartbreak at the end.

While I'm always happy to see Balfruss and wanted to know more about where he had been in previous years, the true scene stealers were the women who took charge, fought, and struggled with their inner demons. This is a hidden gem for anyone looking for strong female characters to follow in an epic fantasy. I loved all of them and am going to miss Tammy, Alyssa, and Zannah.

That said, I did have a couple nitpicks. There were a few characters and storylines that didn't seem to go anywhere, and were likely laying the ground work for a future series. I still would have liked to see them finished. Still, I had a great time reading this trilogy and recommend them to anyone looking for an exciting mashup of horror and fantasy.