A review by biteintobooks
Before I Go to Sleep by S.J. Watson


Thanks to Angelique and Lida for doing a buddyread with me!

You know you're reading a good thriller when it slowly builds, questions arise and then the last 100 pages you can't be stopped! That's exactly what happened while I was reading this book. So many options were left open, you just feel something is going on, something is not right, but you can't grab it just yet. The last 100 pages are full of tension and I love the feeling when you've figured it out! That's when you know that this was a good read.

A longer review can be found at Bite Into Books

It was lovely and so cool that we all had no idea where this book would take us. I'd definitely recommend this book to you, if you like thrillers, suspense and mystery. And even more when you're a bit naïve like I am, ghehe! You won't see it coming...