A review by courtnireads
The May Queen Murders by Sarah Jude


Actual rating: 2.5

I was so excited going into this book. I had heard such good things. I expected to love it but, I was sadly mistaken. The idea behind this book had so much potential. Who wouldn't want to read about a killer returning after decades of living in the woods? Sarah Jude did not let this book live up to its full potential.

I mean honestly one killer sure that's believable. One person killing someone to cover up another murder that they commit? Maybe plausible...... Another killer killing two teenage girls but, blaming the murders on a "murderer" that's been dead (unknown to everyone else) for 20 years. That's a stretch. But adding YET ANOTHER KILLER ANOTHER MURDER AND ATTEMPTED MURDER TO THE MIX????? Honestly if you don't understand what I'm trying to describe above its okay because I couldn't even keep up with it as I was reading it. I hated this book the whole time I was reading it up until the last 50 pages where I thought to myself 'oh okay this is picking up I wasn't expecting this'. But, that fucking third, fourth, maybe it was tenth for all I know killer being added into the mix ruined any sort of decency this book had. I honestly just can't.

If anyone took the time to read this long rambling of mine that probably made no sense please, just save yourself the time and skip reading this. It isn't worth it.