A review by willwork4airfare
Intoxication: The Universal Drive for Mind-Altering Substances by Ronald K. Siegel


I want to like it and I want to believe, but he’s way too focused on Christianity and the “literal garden of Eden” and then he tried to tell me that dinosaurs died out because they ate too much acid. “Evolution’s slow crawl out of Eden” what is this man on about! I want to enjoy and believe all the stories about animals getting high for fun, but now I think he’s a crackpot.

He even admits we can’t tell for sure if animals are hallucinating then proceeds to tell me what kind of bugs monkeys think they are catching out of the air when they trip!

The book is interesting to read, but is written so familiarly and for lay people that between that and the Bible references, it just doesn’t come across as science and more just some old guy reminiscing about giving animals drugs and watching what happens. There are nuggets of information but I had to take everything with a grain of salt and I would fact check anything before sharing it with others as anything more than an amusing anecdote.

I like the end when he starts applying it to people. I like his idea of making drugs that are safe to get the feelings of altered states we want. I like the applications to history and literature. This book made me want to go eat random plants and see what happens. Or to make my own chem lab or grow a coca plant in my closet. A super interesting read for sure. Rated 4 for entertainment value but we don’t see eye to eye by any means.