A review by joskypay
On the Ropes by Kathryn Nolan


ARGH! I'm not crying, your crying! No? Ok, maybe just me, but OMG how much did I love this story?!? This author's love of Philly shines throughout this trip of self discovery and second chances! I feel like I kinda love Philly too, and I've never been there! Only if I can live on their block though because they sound like they have a blast! Dean and Tabby are so special you won't want to leave them. I think this was the first bi heroine I've ever read, not that I wouldn't read about one I just hadn't ever sought it out but I thought this author portrayed the depth of what I can imagine must be the difficult decisions and realizations one coming out as bi or anything else to family faces. I just wanted to hug Tabby but was so glad to see she had such an understanding Dad and Stepmom and surrounding community and 'found' family. And Dean's mothers were perfect. And I pretty much want to be best friends with the whole gang so we can have kiddie pool and water ice and pork rolls, maybe even all at once lol. Such a good story, its been a while since I cried from a book, and they were happy tears! Bravo Ms. Nolan, you have topped yourself yet again, I miss the gang already!