A review by ellianamaselli
The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien

Did not finish book.
At this point I’ve kind of just accepted that I will probably never finish reading LOTR, let alone The Fellowship of the Ring. Because every time I put this book down, I honestly have little interest in picking it up again.

I think it was the info-dumps. They were so pointlessly long that they lost me. Which really is a sad thing. I wanted to love this. I wanted to embrace my inner Stephen Colbert and geek out over this story, these characters, this world.

But I couldn’t. No matter how hard I tried.

I was told that I should push through until I met Strider. And if I was still bored then, I probably wouldn’t enjoy the rest of the story.

Well, I made it past Strider. And all the way to Rivendell. Over halfway through the book. Almost to 300 pages. And it just wasn’t worth it to me anymore.

I’ll probably give it another go some other time. But at the moment, there’s just 1,000 other books I’d like to read, that I know I’ll enjoy. So even though I know this is, like, a literary masterpiece, what’s the point in reading it if I’m spending the entire time wishing I were reading something else??

Let me make it very clear that I don’t hate Tolkien. I’m well aware the man was a genius. But I couldn’t do this. I’m really, really sorry.

Please forgive me.

Elliana Maselli
September 4, 2021