A review by staceybroadbent
Jenna by Shay Bell


I will admit, this book started off a little slow for me, and then it took a turn and suddenly became very interesting! Lots of drama with ups and downs throughout, and a little bit of sexiness thrown into the mix as well. And I loved the ending!

I don't want to give anything away, because I think it would ruin the story, but basically, Jenna is in a bit of a rut. Her life is decidedly average and she's never really done anything exciting.
Then she meets someone who completely turns her world upside down. Suddenly, her life no longer feels like it's heading where she wants it to and she has to make some decisions. Decisions that could change her life forever.

Shay makes you question whether you would make changes, given the chance. I really enjoyed this book, and going on this journey of discovery with Jenna.

What if your life was normal?

What if your life was okay, average and mundane?

Then one day you realise you don’t want normal, okay and average.

Mundane is not okay anymore.

Then you are presented with a one off opportunity to have a whole new life.

A polar opposite life to the one you have now.

You just have to take one little step.

There’s only one catch- You have to leave everything behind without the chance to say a single goodbye.

Would you take that opportunity?

Would you take that step?

This is the story of a normal, okay, average and mundane country girl from Queensland Australia.

This is her story.

She takes that step.

This is Jenna!