A review by romankurys
The Adventures of Dunno and his Friends by Nikolay Nosov


Clearly nothing but nostalgia here. I remember this trilogy being one of my favorite books when I was a kid growing up on Soviet Union.

It still retains most of its appeal today, and that makes me feel…cozy! That’s the word. Cozy!

You can definitely see a bit of propaganda leak through here and there but it’s not a political one so it wasn’t cringe worthy.

The story revolves around Dunno (Незнайка). A kid who doesn’t know anything, but fees a way about it and so he pretends he knows everything by speaking about other people accomplishments as his own.

Very prevalent in the story is a sense of community. Everyone is known for their own individual talents and skills, but using it to compliment everyone around them leads to a healthy and thriving community.

A message of goodness and decency. Simply written. Very relevant today, I think as we tend to go to the extremes nowadays, and this story aims to unify.

Overall, for nostalgia purposes the re-read was well worth it. For the native English speaking adults, this might not be it. Although, I think as a book to read together with your kid, this could be a great one.

Until the next book :)
