A review by ljrinaldi
The Altered History of Willow Sparks by Tara O'Connor


When I finished reading this, I felt as though I had read it before, and perhaps I have, different versions, different ways of telling this same story, which is, what would you do if you could change your future? Would you change it? And how much would you change it?

The characters are all Mean Girls™ types, and of course the heroines are the underdogs, the nerds and the dull. There is even a love interest among the unloved
Spoilerbut he turns out to be gay

The artist writes, at the end of the book, how long she has been working on this story, and rewriting and redrawing it over the years, and the illustrations are quite professional, but the ending, as others have mentioned, seems a bit quick, and the story wraps up far to quickly, with a lot of questions hanging.

This is probably more like a four star for its intended audience of young teens, but for me, I wanted more.

Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review.