A review by tasmanian_bibliophile
Faerie Apocalypse by Jason Franks


‘This was the place he had sought and he felt lucky, if not blessed, to have found it.’

Magic may hold some answers, for those seeking something different, an escape from every day mortal existence. Magic may also help you find a lover, a family member, power or vengeance. But it is more difficult, these days, to find a way from the mortal world into the Faerie Realms. Don’t abandon hope: the Doors will open for some, if they want it badly enough.

‘Only three kinds of mortal were permitted entry into the Realms of the Faerie – lovers, poets and madmen – and he was most certainly to be counted amongst their number.’

But what will happen to the mortals who do enter the Realms of the Faerie? Will they find what they are looking for? Will they escape unscathed? Do they deserve success?

‘You can’t go home until you’ve completed your quest.’

It seems that mortals can destroy most things, but they don’t get everything their own way in the Realms of the Faerie. Humans may be cunning, but the Faerie can be malevolent. There’s plenty of violence as the two worlds clash. But there’s a point to this violence: it reinforces that mortals are neither heroic nor noble and that they do not think (nor seem to care) about the consequences of their actions.

I kept reading, wondering how it might end. I kept reading, hoping that the mortals would become self-aware. I kept reading. And by the end, the faerie apocalypse made sense.

‘We do not imagine; we are the imagined. The truth of my telling is entirely dependent upon the mortal to whom I speak it.’

I don’t read as much fantasy as I used to. When I read novels like this one, I resolve to read more. If you enjoy dark fantasy, you may also enjoy this.

Jennifer Cameron-Smith