A review by jen_baroness_mom
The Last Agent by Robert Dugoni


I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy from the Publisher. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.The Last Agent by Robert Dugoni is a fantastic tale of strength, obsession, dedication, and trust. I love this series. Charlie is such a fabulous character.

Will Charlie save Paulina and get them both to America safely?

Charlie is asked to determine if Paulina Ponomayova is in the infamous Russian prison, Lefortovo, in Moscow. He agrees since he thought that Paulina gave up her life so he could return home. However, Charlie has decided that if Paulina is alive, he isn't leaving without her. So, he sets up a plan that should work if all things go as planned. However, many things could go wrong. 

We see characters from the first book again and a few new ones too. The settings are so brilliantly described that it comes alive in my mind. 

The Last Agent CRThings that I liked:

  • Getting to know more about Viktor Federov

  • Seeing the inside of Federov's apartment

  • Paulina is still as tough as ever.

  • Alekseyov has a conscience. 

  • Efimov has a great backstory that explains his attitude.

  • Rod Studebaker is fabulous. I love his philosophy on life and his attitude. Flying with him would be so fun unless you get motion sickness. 

  • Charlie's realization of how he feels at the end of the story

Five Stars

Robert Dugoni's books take a bit to leave my brain. I know that I have another book to read, but I need time to let the characters and the story get out of my mind. Every part of the book is resonating in my mind over and over. Honestly, I feel like I was on that wild ride with Charlie. One of the things I was trying to figure out after reading The Eighth Sister was how the author would pull off another book in this series. Yet, The Last Agent by Robert Dugoni is fabulous, and my rating is five stars. 

I highly recommend this to all spy and espionage thriller readers out there. It is amazing!

First Book in the Series

The Eighth Sister by Robert Dugoni

Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of The Last Agent by Robert Dugoni.

Until the next time,

Jen Signature for BBT


This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove