A review by pixieauthoress
Dustbin Baby by Jacqueline Wilson


This was one of my favourite Jacqueline Wilson books and I repeatedly reread it as a preteen. Thinking back on it, it's horrifically depressing and very dark, so I'm not sure I'd appreciate it to much as an adult. I read it at the age of 12 and I'd say this is the the youngest it's appropriate for. Looking at what Wilson is currently publishing, her writing is definitely getting darker! Nowadays I tend to prefer her stories for younger kids, such as [b:Lizzie Zipmouth|850251|Lizzie Zipmouth|Jacqueline Wilson|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1178896668s/850251.jpg|499682], probably because they're not as depressing. But still, I used to love this book so I'll keep it for sentimental reasons.