A review by gamz
Unrequited by Jen Frederick


I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review.



Not having read any of the other books in the Woodlands series, I wasn't sure what to expect, but I LOVE Jen Frederick's writing, so I dived in head first when I got the opportunity to read Unrequited. I was not disappointed.

Winter and Finn get together by chance one night when he was mourning his father's death. They spend a few hot hours in the construction trailer at his job site both had their minds blown. Winter assumes that it will be a one night thing, but a month later, Finn decided he wants more of a relationship. The problem is Winter's sister Ivy. Ivy is a recovering addict and ex-con who is in a delicate position and getting her life back together. She is also Finn's ex-girlfriend from high school through the firs year of college. They spent four years together and Winter isn't sure that they are over each other.

At Finn's pleading, Winter decides to give Finn a chance at a relationship, even with her sister's negativity looming in the background. Things are great, hot really, until Ivy learns that she is pregnant. Ivy says she doesn't know who the father is, but a drunken night spent with Finn in his truck may or may not put him in the running. In an attempt to protect Winter, Finn keeps this information to himself, until it all goes to hell and blows up in his face. He realizes that he may have just lost the most important thing in his life.

I loved this book. Not having met the characters before gave me a fresh perspective on the story. While the sex scenes between Finn and Winter were steamy, watching their relationship develop was really special. Finn is a sweetheart. I loved the way he cherished Ivy. The little things like opening the car door for her and his after care after sex...OMG that one melted my heart. For a big old construction worker, Finn is the tenderest, sweetest man where Winter is concerned and I love how much her loves her.

Ivy's beauty is obvious. Not only in the physical sense, but also in her kindness, her loyalty, the way she loves openly and her ability to continue to forgive and support a sister who has taken so much from her. Her co-workers at Atra, the tattoo parlor, consider her family. She's always there to offer assistance and to give support. While she loves Finn, the conflict between Ivy and Finn caused her to retreat and lick her wounds. Winter had to learn to be selfish for herself, to take what she wanted and that she deserved happiness. She also had to learn whether Finn was worth fighting for.

Even if you have not read the Woodlands series, you should read this book. It was an amazing story of love that is was supposed to be unrequited but turned into something rare and beautiful. Something we all want to find. Now that I have read "Unrequited", I'm off to find the rest of the Woodlands series and start it from the beginning. I can also guarantee that I will re-read "Unrequited". It was that wonderful!

One quick note...The Love Actually conversation hd me in fits of giggles. So did the dad jokes in the epilogue - Tickle-Me-Elmo had me calling everyone I know to share my new bit of fourth grade humor! Thanks Jen Frederick!!! LOL