A review by br3nda
A Most Curious Murder by Elizabeth Kane Buzzelli


It was a mostly easy read. It wasn't the best story but it was something to fill the time. It was missing a "flow" to the story. It had a stop and start to it. It jumped from one scene to the next.

It would've been much better if more was written about the Tony/Jenny "romance". That "romance" happened with very little being written about it. One of my peeves in stories is when a writer leaves out little details that make me read back to see if I missed something. This happened too frequently with this book. How does a "romance" move from barely touching each other (only unromantic hand touching), to talking about having babies? It didn't fit or flow naturally. Plus other things like one minute Jenny is standing, pushing the ex-husband away to the next minute when she's sitting and his hand is on her knee. No mention of her sitting happened. Not that I could find. These kind of missing details were apparent throughout the book.
There were many details that would not have happened "in real life" either. Any police officer would not give permission to civilians to enter a house that was a crime scene. They also wouldn't allow for a friend to stay over night in a cell with someone who has been placed there. These kind of unrealistic details were annoying.

If your looking for a cozy mystery to fill a bit of time, this would be suffice but if your looking for any good romance amongst that mystery, or a realistic investigation to that mystery, you won't find it here.