A review by blodeuedd
29 Dates by Melissa de la Cruz


Jisu is about to start her last year of HS when her parents sent her to San Francisco. There she will focus on school, get great grades and get into a great College. I must say that school in Seoul sounds horrible, Jisu thinks so too. And at the same time she wants those good grades because that is what ger parents want. As for her parents, evil! They just said pack your bags, you are leaving tonight!

But San Francisco is great for her. She gets to be more on her own. She finds new friends, she gets to take more photographs without her parents telling her to study instead.

Of course one of the keypoints of the book is the matchmaking thing she is part of. Her parents wants her to find a good boyfriend, with good parents, and he has to have a good future. So she goes on dates and we take part of horrible ones, nice ones, but no amazing ones.
She continues these dates in SF, and she also crushes on a classmate.

I liked Jisu. She was at her best when idiot dates annoyed her. She sure knew how to speak back.

I also really want to try Korean food! Why can't someone open a restaurant!?

It was very YA. Cute, fun and everything working out in the end.

I liked her Jisu voice. It made me want to be friends with her. And her Austin, omg I could so see him before me