A review by michellemyers
The Study of Animal Languages by Lindsay Stern


Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

Ivan and Prue are a married couple who are also professors at the same university. They couldn't be more different- Prue is a vibrant social biolinguistic professor with lots of promising opportunities in her future, whereas Ivan is a shy philosophy professor without any prospects such as tenure, like his wife.

This novel definitely captures challenges of a marriage, however I felt like there was more I wanted to see. I really enjoyed the flashbacks in the beginning and would have liked to see more of that. The author is extremely talented, her words flowed effortlessly across the page and I felt like I understood Ivan and how he saw his life. I also enjoyed the relationship between Ivan and Frank. The mental illness aspect was fascinating and at times, heartbreaking.

Overall, I did like the story but I think I expected a little more interaction from Ivan and Prue, as though something was missing.