A review by cherry_
Pucking Around by Emily Rath

Did not finish book. Stopped at 65%.


in page number ONE she was meeting the team and then in like the 15th she practically had two men confessing their love for her- and i’m not even exaggerating 

like they fucked once and then their already acting like they want to marry her lol chill out

they all just are reaaaaaally horny and the fmc puss is made of steel bc what the fuck 

also i haven’t read a single decent conversation throughout the whole book LMAO 

the spice was good but
i had 0 connection to any of the characters so i just didn’t care also the only interesting thing was that she had sex with multiple man so the writing was just focused on that insted of writing it well and making it interesting enough on its own idk neither the writing or the plot was interesting