A review by babs_reviews
Witch by T.L. Brown


EPPS, this book held so many twists and turns I hardly know where to begin. OH wait I know, Sam and Hanna, oh my wow, rip my heart out and for good measure stomp on it. Tara Brown really knows how to gut you. I had myself a right and proper tissy over their breakup (though that hardly describes it) I felt the knife dig into my heart as it dug into Sam's.

Ophelia, our wonderful new character is a witch. I love how the book opens. I seriously did not expect for everything that changed was because of her wishing it. Talk about powerful, can I have that power? New to the whole scene just like many others before her O has a tough time and makes so many wrong choices.

The whole concept had me giddy. I was so intrigued by the whole twin thing. I was honestly expecting him to be this total bad guy and take the power from the sisters and make her watch or something. So when Tristan was finally (I say finally because Brown likes to use tricks) introduced I had a jaw dropping moment before I lost it and giggled uncontrollably. I loved him. That left the dad to be the nasty villian. He worked the role well.

Oliver, what can I say about him. . . he makes me question him at every turn, yet when he has O in his arms all I can do is 'awww' at them. He is the bad guy and works for her dad - so many lies fall from his lips but in the end he may have a reason. Was it a good enough one?

Complications form when Sam's attractions fall on O after she performed a ceremony that left him empty hearted. His sireny nature only lets her fight it so much.

The biggest plot twist I have read in a long time falls to this book. If I could award Tara Brown an award, I think I would. I can't even say much about it without giving it away but I will say this: "Sometimes all you need is a little push."