A review by shannon_cocktailsandbooks
Lethal Rider by Larissa Ione


I wasn't sure how Larissa Ione was going to redeem Regan after her actions in Immortal Rider, but after we got her back story she was definitely redeemed in my opinion.

Thanatos has spent the past eight months being held captive by his brother and sister via hellhound saliva. The reason: Regan Cooper, Aegis elder, stole Thanatos' virginity. To say that Thanatos is a little mad over that loss is putting it mildly. He has spent the months trapped in his own body thinking of all the ways he's going to seek revenge against Regan once he's free.

Regan has been holed up in the Aegis headquarters waiting until her baby is born. Once born, the baby they believe is going to end the Apocalypse, will go and live with Kynan and Gem. Believing she doesn't have an ounce of maternal instinct, she thinks giving the baby will be for the best. Given what she does and the fact that Thanatos will be looking to seek revenge, it would be better for the baby to be as far away from her as possible...even though you can tell she love the Little Pony.

But what neither of them realize is that this child represents everything they have wanted for themselves: a family. And while the fight with each other about who was right and who did what to whom, they seem to lose that fact. Sure this isn't the best time to bring a child into the world, but their reasons for either keeping or giving away the baby all boils down to whether or not they'll be good parents and can they overcome being used to try and stop the end of the world.

But the drama between Thanatos and Regan isn't the only thing that is happening in Lethal Rider. The Aegis is splitting at the seems with dissension amongst the elders. The old school elders don't like aligning themselves with the Horseman or the Demons while those on Kynan's side feel these alliances are the only way the organization is going to survive.

Then there's the drama between the angels. Reaver discovers that someone who's supposed to be helping the Horseman isn't playing so nice and one that shouldn't be involved is.

And finally there's Pestilence...aka Reseph. He has truly turned the corner to become an unspeakable bastard, so much so that his only siblings who have been trying to save him have now lost hope.

I'll hold my thoughts on Reseph, since I don't won't to give away a major point in Lethal Rider, but I'm wondering how he will possibly be redeemed giving everything that has happened. I have my faith that Larissa Ione will get us there (after all I ended up liking Regan when I was quite pissed at her in Immortal Rider). Now the wait begins...I can truthfully say I can't wait to see what she has in store for us.