A review by mmarzolf
The Bromance Book Club by Lyssa Kay Adams


*3 Stars*

Overall, I thought the premise of this book was really interesting and promising. First, we have a book about a married couple who is having trouble in their relationship. Next, we have the moment where everything almost comes crumbling down with the mention of a divorce. Next, we have the desperate husband who knows he'll do anything to save their marriage. What does he do? Joins a book club. Not just ANY book club, but one with a group of men who read romance novels to either fix their relationships or become better boyfriends and husbands. Honestly, everything about that aspect was successful in the book but I didn't feel a connection to the characters. I felt like I spent the whole book on the surface of their emotions and thoughts and never really went any deeper.

I will say one thing and if you've read this book and seen the movie Austenland then I hope you'll get it...

Martin: "I know it all seems shady, but romances have bloomed on stonier ground."

Jane: "Did Wattlesbrook write that line? Because we know you didn't."

Martin: "Okay, she wrote the line. Okay?"

Jane: "Right."

Martin: "But I'm the one standing here saying it."

*AHEM* remind you of anyone Gavin?!? Lol just sayin