A review by sam_hartwig
Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry


“I gazed into her beautiful green eyes and her fear melted. A shy smile tugged at her lips and at my heart. F**k me and the rest of the world, I was in love.”

I have been wanting to read this for so long and once I started I couldn't stop! Another one of those books which is told from two points of view - Noah and Echo. Broken and troubled they meet through the school psychiatrist. Although they are completely different, they come together and help each other overcome their troubles through love, friendship and support.

Katie McGarry did a fantastic job of writing from a young guys point of view, She had some great insight into what guys think and what makes them tick. I liked the way that Noah was such a guy and instantly thinks that Echo is hot, but it's not until he gets to know her that his feelings change into something stronger.

The romance between Noah and Echo sure does sizzle. McGarry has a way of building the sexual tension to make it completely swoon-worthy and steamy! The chemistry between both of them was amazing and I really felt their relationship develop over time and from both of their points of view.

But this isn't just a romance fluff novel, underneath all of that is a story of family, trust and believing in yourself. Echo endured a horrific experience one night and can't remember what happened. Slowly Echo and us as readers have information revealed to us and then towards the end the puzzle pieces all fell into place.

I loved the musical inspirations at the end, in which the author told you some songs that she listened to to help her get in the zone and mind set of each of her characters. Surprisingly I knew quite a few of them and it helped me understand her thought patterns in creating the characters.

This book almost made me cry, which as I've mentioned in other reviews is a hard thing to do. I found myself falling for these characters and all their flaws. I love when a book has not only got the story right but also got the characters oh so right! I can not wait to read the other characters stories in the companion novels.

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