A review by shelvesofsecrets
A Temptation of Angels by Michelle Zink


This book was a bit disappointing for me, but I'm having trouble pinning down exactly why. I think most of my issues lie with the world building. I was so confused while reading it and I'm still confused now that I've finished it. What is a Keeper actually super to do? Just keep the world in order? How did they come about? I think this was mentioned briefly, but a lot of the book was spent with me trying to figure out what was going on and why. And for having angels in the title, I really didn't get an angel-y feeling. Or a temptation feeling for that matter.

My other issue was with the characters.I never felt a real connection with Helen. I didn't dislike her, I just didn't like her either. She seemed at times to have this major drive to be useful, but I wasn't always buying it. And her connection with Raum drove me crazy. You can't fix a guy that broken! And Griffin, the love interest, was nice, but a little boring. I'm sure I'd love him if I met him in real life, but as a character, he was a bit flat for me. And the romance wasn't quite right either. It felt a bit like Helen thought "Oh, he's nice to me. I must be in love with him!" Darius and Raum had a bit more to offer as characters I felt.

The writing was well done, but the plot felt a bit slow for me. Like I read 400 pages of what could have been done in 250. I don't want to bash this book too hard though, because it wasn't terrible. It wasn't great, but it wasn't terrible. I think it just lacked the things that make me fall in love with a book.