A review by lauriereadsrom1
Fiancé by Friday by Catherine Bybee


I did like this book in the end, but for some reason the first half really dragged for me. The pace picked up around halfway through when Neil and Gwen finally got together, but that happened so fast I almost wasn't expecting it. I thought Neil would resist a bit more or have second thoughts about embarking on a relationship with his boss's sister, but instead he just fell into bed with Gwen and never really looked back. I was also surprised at some of Gwen's behavior. After all of her efforts to assert her independence, especially by insisting on living alone in the Tarzana house following Karen's marriage, I found it hard to believe that she would just go along with everything Neil told her to do and barely even question him. Everything came together in the end, though, and I was satisfied with their relationship. I particularly liked how Gwen fought to make sure that Neil was able to leave the base with her after Raven died because it seemed like she was returning to her normal, assertive self.

The "twist" at the end regarding who was behind the attempts on Neil's life wasn't much of a twist in my opinion. I figured out the parties involved pretty early on. However, it was still interesting to see how the truth would finally be revealed and what Neil would do about it. I think the conclusion was satisfying, and it will be interesting to see if Neil's friend Rick gets his own story in the future. In the meantime, I'm looking forward to reading the rest of Karen's story in just a couple of months!