A review by jenk2020
Love Hurts by Malorie Blackman


My full video review can be found here

I've not rushed into reviewing this book. I needed some time to reflect. It's difficult to talk about this book without hinting at the story line. I'll hide spoilers where I can.

Tabitha Suzuma is known for centering her books around tough subject matters. So from the moment Matheo can't remember what happened to him on that fated night, I had my inclinations as to what went on.

It took me back to a Hollyoaks storyline, over ten years ago, where one of the male characters was gang raped by a group of men. It was the first time this had been done in a soap opera and the storyline won a lot of awards. It was dealt with sensitively and realistically and I felt this book did much the same.

I have read a few books deemed 'controversial' and hated them. Mainly because I felt the authors had cashed in on extremely difficult situations, with seemingly little research or thought to those who may have actually been through these things *cough* [b:The Fault in Our Stars|11870085|The Fault in Our Stars|John Green|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1360206420s/11870085.jpg|16827462], [b:The Ice Cream Girls|6780522|The Ice Cream Girls|Dorothy Koomson|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1279481064s/6780522.jpg|6940583] *cough*

Suzuma hasn't done this. I felt Matheo dealt with
the rape like any teenage boy would. The repercussions on his relationships, sexual and platonic, were realistic and painful. Suzuma captured the turmoil and hurt an event like this would cause, perfectly.

I had no inclination as to
who the rapist was
, until I re-read the tagline on the front cover. Which on reading, makes it rather obvious.

There were a number of reasons why I didn't rate this book particularly highly. I felt, right up until the end, that Suzuma had gauged reactions perfectly. But when
Lola kills herself
I felt she let herself down.
Pulled a cheap shock tactic to end on an extreme downer. I felt it would have been more realistic if Matheo had got to Lola's and the police had been there, with Lola having reported her father. Lola gave no inclination as to being mentally unstable and I just didn't feel like she would have reacted like this.

I also couldn't understand why nobody noticed Matheo
and Jerrywere covered in cuts and bruises.
People would notice! The book was also overly descriptive in places. If I'm having to skim read to get to the bits that interest me, then you're over doing it.

Over all I did enjoy this. It's telling that it completely distracted me from what I should have been reading and I'd finished it in just three sittings. But some major flaws in the plot and unnecessary detail let it down for me.